Saturday, May 6, 2017

Essay 5

A network is two or more computers, or either other electronic devices connected together so that they can change data. Network connections between computers are normally created using cables and wires. But connections also can create using radio signal like wireless and Wi-Fi and telephone lines like modems in our house or even, for long distances, via satellite links.
There are many uses of network. A network allows computers to easily share files and data, share resources such as a whole room of computer share a single printer or internet connections, users also can communicate each other, etc.
 First. Neworking devices that filter that traffic are called connectivity devices and there are several different types: Bridge,Hub,Switch,Router
Bridge is connectivity device that forwards data based on a physical address and operate at the Network Access layer in the TCP/IP.
Hub typically do not filter data but instead retransmit incoming data packets or to all ports.
Switch,simplified is smarter version to all ports.
Routers are an essential part of the any layer TCP/IP that would be the IP address.

Second.networking types.this part is about most famous connection type and their adventages
1.WAN(wide are network)
much larger than other connection types. Wholle world and it includes of the LANs and WLANs
2.MAN(metropolitican area network)
it includes other min network such as LAN,PAN
3.LAN(local area network)
it showes higher speed than others for sharing data resources
4.PAN(oersonal area network)
its adventage is for example you can share photos,connect device,watch your TV from your phone 
5.PN(private network)
with this network any person or company connect to each other without internet and without losing their datas to internet. 
Next of a topology network's virtual shape in structure and computers are a home network be arranges in a circle in a family room other rooms. Network topologies are categorized into the following basic tyoes.bus,ring,star,tree,wesh topologies. Topology remains an important part of network design they .You can probably build a home or small business computer network without understanding the differance between a bus design and star design  but becoming familiar with the standart topologies gives you a better understanding of impotant networking concept like hubs,broadcats and routers
Next The variety of network hardware adapter resources verify that the network adapter is properly installed and f=detected by the computer with no conficts. In Microsoft Windows, open the Device Manager and verify there are no errors "Network adapters" should be present for each network adapter installed in the computer,similar to the e.xample on the right. Wired network is the picture to the right is an example of a LAN port with.
Finally even though, the network is useful in our daily life and can solve the issue surrounding the environment but it still have some disadvantages. Communications technology and computer networks are always vulnerable to hackers. When the network breaks, it many cause many tasks become very difficult and more easily to attacked by a virus. For example, if the network hacked, the sensor device will spoil and cannot function. If it connects to the Internet, the data that receive will become not accurate and reliable. Therefore, we have to use the network properly.

Essay 4

What effects does moving away from computers and towards tablets and smartphones hove on how we browse the internet?
 I thought I would mainly talk about the effect of technology on communication in relationships. Because many people seem to forget how to communicate. Technology such as email, Facebook, Twitter, My Space, YouTube, Instagram and many other sites are all amazing tools that have the intent to bring inter-connectedness around the world.
These methods of communication, however, also have the capacity to negatively impact relationships. In both my counselling practise and my personal life I have recognized first hand that technology has the potential to negatively impact relationships in terms of etiquette.Technology may cause people to forget to use fundamental basics in etiquette when communicating.  
One such etiquette practise that is lost is looking at the person in front of you. For instance, have you ever seen a group of teens together who are all standing in a group next to each other but all remain head down to face their phones instead of engaging with each other face to face? Or, have you ever looked around a restaurant and seen a couple on a date with one or both of them paying more attention to their phone than each other? And, have you ever seen a child acting out to get their parents attention when they are using their cell phone or heard a child say to their parent," put your phone down and watch me!" Not to say that technology doesn't have its place, but rather that balance is the key. Think of it this way, there are now things in place to govern technology etiquette in the professional world such as a sign in the doctor's office or other business places. Don't your loved ones deserve that same etiquette? Spend time with each other talking and engaging and be present for moments spent with those right in front of you. Take time for your technology but don't let it control your whole day by setting boundaries and limiting your tech time or your kids tech time.
Another etiquette practice that is often jeopardized in technology is simple politeness,  empathy, and non-verbal communication. A lot of people are more careless with their words electronically and may say things they would not normally say that can be very hurtful. This is often termed cyber-bullying. There have been a lots of kids, teens and even adults who have been very hurt emotionally by people not paying attention to the fact that those electronic words hurt others. Often, electronic  words are also misinterpreted as a huge part of our communication is non-verbal which leads to misunderstanding when those non-verbal cues are missing from the screens. In some situations cyber-bullying and miscommunication may lead to self-esteem issues, depression, relationship breakdown, and family problems. Take time to choose your words carefully and think for a moment if you would truly say the same thing to that person if they were standing right in front of you. Think about what you would feel like if you were to read those same words directed at you. Pause and take a few moments before you hit the send button.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Essay 6

Operating System
 An OS is a common computer piece in the world today. An OS is an intricate set of software programs that helps organize information within a computer’s hardware. It can store information and retrieve it from memory systems or the hard drive. It can also direct applications and programs within the computer or from portable sources. In essence, an operating system communicates between the hardware and the programs as an organizational tool. 
  1.  Memory management is the function that controlling and coordinating memory location and either allocated or free blocks to various programms to optimize overall system performance. There are 4 types of technique ways to manage memory. All this techniques has their own advantages on their own. In hardware memory management involves components that physically store data, such as RAM (Random Access Memory ), VRAM (Virtual RAM), GRAM (Graphical RAM), chips, memory caches and flash based SSDs (Solid Star Drives)
2.Device manager is control panel applet in Microsoft Windows operating systems it allows users to view and control the hardware attached to the computer. Hardware devices typically provide the ability to input data into the computer output data from the computer. Device manager is a feature of Microsoft Windows that detects and lists hardware devices and their status information. Device Manager is available in Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10.Device management does the following activities for device manager.Keeps track of all devices, decides which process gets the device allocates way, de-allocated device. Device manager important to make sure it’s well designed.

3.A file manager is a computer program that providers a user interface to  and folders.It has limited capalities and is designed to manage individual or group files, such as special office documents and records. A file management sustems is also known as a file manager.File manager is a software program that helps a user manage all the files on their computer.For example, all the managers allow the user to view, edit, copy and delete the files on their computer.

4.Network management is the process of administering and managing the computer networks of one or many organisations. Various services provided by network managers include fault analysis, performance management, provisioning of network and network devices.

5.The Process manager  is an integral part of any modern-day operating system (OS). The OS must allocate resources to processes, enable processes to share and exchange information, protect the resources of each process from other processes and enable synchronization among processes.

Essay 1

UK telephone calls, by category 1995-2002

    This bar chart illustrates UK's telephone calls, by 3 categories from 1995 to 2002. This bar chart discusses UK calls types local National, International calls and Mobile. 
The mobile calls, however grew steadily in the first five years and after that witnessed a quick rise to more than 40 billion compared to its beginning. Its interesting to note that through eight years of the period from 1995 to 2002, the local calls fixed line numbers of minutes remained the highest among three call forms that were used in the United Kingdom.
In comparison following to the bar chart, the highest jump in 1999 that was calls. 
Mobiles calls has increased compared to other lines. There was a gradual fall of local calls from 1999 to 2002.
In summary, mobile phone calls gained a significant popularity among the UK callers and as of 2002, the local calls-fixed line calling is still the most used calling among UK people After that, national and international call types were levelled off at other call types. It seen in bar chart that, UK's people have used the national and international call types that are continued at all times. 
This bar chart has constant fall at 2000 in 2002. It was reversed in national and Inernational call types by fixed line which were constantly rising at all years. And now, Mobile call is the trend in the UK and in the world. 
Finally, Mobile calls has new technical technology it was a gradual increase from 1999 to 2016 in the UK. And, local call type will have gradually decreased reach in the future.